Keep your money and credit cards away from thieves by using a front pocket wallet.
Not only are these wallets safer, but you’ll avoid ‘butt bulge’ and the possibility of wrecking your back for having sat on that stuffed wallet year after year.
Designed to fit snugly in your pants’ front pocket, the best front pocket wallets have a curved line on one folded end – keeping it out of view, unlike conventional rectangular items.
Here is a selection of front pocket wallet options.
Bosca Nappa Leather Collection Front Pocket Wallet
The Bosca Leather Front Pocket Wallet with Money Clip comes with a deep well center pocket for papers or receipts. The exterior has 2 slots for credit cards and a leather money clip to secure your currency.
Brand: Hugo Bosca Mens
Shipping: 8.95
Availability: YES
Bosca Nappa Leather Collection Front Pocket ID Wallet Black
Features a clear ID window, spring tension money clip, 3 card slots, and a money/receipt flap.
Brand: Hugo Bosca Mens
Shipping: 8.95
Availability: YES