Will wonders never cease? It’s my 51st birthday.
To mark ‘the event’ I thought I’d write 51 things you may or may not know about me.
- Nationality – Canadian
- Heritage – Dutch (mom) and Polish (dad)
- Siblings – None. Spoiled lonely child.
- Hometown – Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- Towns Lived in – Cornwall, London, Timmins (Ontario) / Vancouver, Genelle, Prince George (British Columbia) / Cochrane (Alberta)
- Current Home – Penticton, British Columbia
- Marital Status – Divorced, VERY Happily single (don’t tell my 101date.com readers that, please!)
- Children – Heck no! (… but thrilled with my godson)
- Pets – Jasper the Chocolate Lab
- Extended Family – Plethora of cousins & second cousins in the Netherlands
- Nicknames – Rosie O., Oggie Doggie (from my maiden name, Ogrodowczyk)
- Education – 2 years of University (Waterloo correspondence program)
- Jobs / Occupation(s) – Duty-free chick, Corporate Travel co-ordinator, Flight service specialist, Air traffic controller, Internet Entrepreneur, Blogger
- Hobby(ies) – Traveling, Camping/RVing, Gardening, Photography, Writing
- Sports – Hiking, kayaking, swimming
- TV – History, Discovery, CNN (Frontiers of Construction, Trashopolis, National Geographic
, Rachel Maddow)
- Guilty Pleasure TV – 48 Hours Mystery, Housewives of D.C.
- Books – Travel adventure tales
, hiking guidebooks, Historical novels, Political memoirs.
- Magazines – People
and Hello! (at the stylist’s) - Movies – Drama, comedies
- Favorite Breakfast – Pho and leftover spaghetti
- Favorite Color – Red. (Hate pink!)
- Favorite Season – Summer. Give me heat! I HATE wearing shoes!
- Favorite Beverage – Beer, of course! (see ‘Nationality‘)
- Favorite Scent – Yankee candle Hazelnut Coffee
- Cook – Only when we have dinner parties and then making the effort is fun.
- Twitter or Facebook? – Facebook
- Indulgences – Cleaning lady, expensive clothes that I never wear
- Favorite Game – Scrabble
- Last long-distance trip – Dubai, UAE
- Favorite Hike – Plain of Six Glaciers at Lake Louise (think I’ve done it 15 times)
- Favorite Music – Upbeat (eg. Irish jigs)
- Coffee or Tea? –
Starbucks Skinny Moccha - Favorite Places – Deserted beaches (Borneo, Cape Lookout), deserted camping spots (Idaho Peak, Antelope Island State Park, Chilcotin, Ashnola, Muncho Lake) Deserted mountain lakes (Tweedsmuir). Fine, call me anti-social.
- Party or Dinner for Six? – Dinner for Six
- Best times – Swimming with my dog, watching the aurora borealis and awesome thunderstorms. (Am I the only one who cheers and claps for nature’s great performances?)
- Dance or Sing? – Extremely poorly and even worse
- Favorite Time of Day – Early EARLY morning during the summer. The quiet is sublime.
- Biggest Fears – Running someone over, being trapped (burning building, hungry bear), going blind
- Biggest Fear Overcome – Public Speaking. Not good at it, but I can do it. 🙂
- Pet Peeves – Lousy / rude customer service, dangerous drivers (cell-phone users), propoganda machines that pose as news, eg. FOX
- Major Piss-Offs – Intolerance (religious, racial, sexual orientation)
- Political Stripe – Independent capitalist egalitarian. ‘Nation’ is ‘family’ — in a true democracy everyone has access to the basics – food, shelter, health care and education. Happy to be Canadian.
- Spiritual Beliefs – Buddhism makes sense to me.
- Heros – Mother Theresa, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, all people of Good purpose
- Greatest Hope for Future – Peace. Knowledge/intelligence test for voters (eg. proof of conviction in ‘secular democracy’.
- Worst things ever – Watching my dog get run over by a car when I was 9. Losing my cat for 2 days.
- Best thing ever – The cat came back and having the courage to get another dog when I was 50 (finally).
- Happiness is… – Making someone laugh or smile
- Aspirations – Dying without regret
- Biggest Accomplishment – My friends! Old and new… and re-connecting in so many ways via the Internet (eg. Classmates). Life is GOOD!
Comments? 🙂
Happy 51st Ros from Ottawa!
Happy 51st Ros from Ottawa !
Happy Birthday Ros! Hope you are having a great day 🙂
Good to know you, Roz. Have a great 51st and make it the best year yet.
HAPPY 51st BIRTHDAY Rosalind. I love birthdays… I take the whole month when it’s mine. Drive my family crazy but i have great fun,
I was jazzed to learn about you a couple weeks back from a friend and look forward to tapping into your 51 years of wisdom soon.
Have a fabulous year!
VERY happy birthday Ros. May you get many things red (THE best color).
Adrienne, glad to see you’re here, and you can thank me later for the ‘intro’.
Happy Birthday, Rosalind! Hope your day is totally awesome! (Does/did FB have your bday wrong? I swear I said Happy Bday to you a few months ago! LOL) I loved reading your list! This one:
Knowledge/intelligence test for voters (eg. proof of conviction in ‘secular democracy’.
…would be so awesome!! It totally made me LOL, though, because the area where I am living now is SUCH a religion + politics blender! It drives me crazy!
Congrats from someone with more than 51 cousins in British Columbia and a sweetheart of 10 years from the Netherlands. Must be karma that we connected. Thumbs up on your 51 things. Have a great year.
Hey Roz,you look great.51 is not so old.
Happy birthday, Rosie O!
Conrats on getting this far.
As I am 66 you are just getting to your peak.
Actually you never get there, we just keep on aiming high.
Lovely to read your list of 51, it identifies you as a real person.
Something most internet marketers could copy.
Hey, come on down, I could show you some isolation
on the biggest island continent.
( Mind you 2010, we are currently experiencing some of our worst floods in decades)
RG, to you, the best of everything.
South Australia
Hi Russell,
Thanks kindly for sharing. I definitely must see Oz at some point and the prospect of isolation is always appealing so you just put it higher on my bucket list. 🙂
Best to you and yours now and always.
Blessed (Belated) EarthStrong, Sistren Ros!
That’s how we would wish you a Happy Birthday here in Jamaica. (West Indies, not New York) You look great for 41, let alone 51. You are getting better, not older.
May you be protected in your goings out and your comings in. The knowledge you share with others will change their lives.
Blessed love,
St Elizabeth, Jamaica
I don’t know you . . . yet . . . looking forward to that day!
I completely and totally enjoy your travel blogs, so keep “roaming” and keep writing! Your writings consistently make me want to cut off the tie, strap on the boots and hit the road!
San Antonio, TX
Thanks so much for your nice comment, Gary. Makes me want to blog even more! 🙂