Have a comment, suggestion or question for us about something you’ve seen on Roamsters?
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I love the site. It’s a one stop shop for travel tips. I love an adventure, and thank you for inviting us into your home for wonderful conversation and insight into marketing and potential for those who get paid to go green.
I’m pleased I found your site through a promotional email and have marked it as one to refer to frequently. As a world traveller and avid photographer, I read your piece about the SLIDE AND NEGATIVE TO DIGITAL PICTURE CONVERTER and would like to know how it worked out for you. We want to buy one in Canada that will help us do the job of culling and converting our slides to a more usable format. The boxes of slides threaten to take over the storage room so we need help soon!
Thank you.
Enid, Ontario, Canada.
With SO many slides to process and with both of us being so busy, we ended up buying a Nikon Super COOLSCAN 5000 ED Slides & Negatives scanner on eBay.
The learning curve is a little steeper but overall the quality and the swiftness at which this scanner works made the price difference worthwhile.
Besides, we’ll likely re-sell it on eBay once we’ve finished converting all the slides to digital images.
Don’t wait for it though… we still have a few thousand to do. 🙂