Let's face it, flying adds carbon dioxide CO2 to the atmosphere which contributes to climate change. In addition to reducing the number of times we fly every year, Ed and I also like the option of being able to reduce our footprint by purchasing and/or redeeming Aeroplan rewards points for carbon offsets. Partnering with ZeroFootprint, Air Canada launched its carbon offset program in May … [Read more...]
"Gifts" for Damon
Before leaving Sun Peaks Resort for Vancouver, Damon stopped by our room in the Sundance Lodge to say goodbye ... and to relieve our room of all possible freebies. :-) Although the latter was probably not his intention, when he and Andrew - world champion Points, Rewards & Freebies collectors - get together, talk tends to action. Here is a video clip of Andrew telling Damon about the … [Read more...]
Travel Points: Use 'Em or Lose Them
In an effort to cut costs many airlines are changing their policies regarding frequent flier miles. We are members of Air Canada's program called Aeroplan . The airline changed there policies this January, read the details in our post. Members whose account are inactive for a defined period will lose their points. Some airlines will let you buy back your points for a fee. Seems ridiculous buying … [Read more...]