This is definitely not my favorite look. I prefer Valentino, but next week I won’t have a choice — I’ll be sporting ‘haute Hospital couture’.
This fashion demise began last Friday during my annual medical. Apparently, it attracts attention when after extensive teeth-gritting you half-yell “OWWWWW!!!!” in response to a doctor’s probing.
So, on Sunday, I had a CT Scan and yesterday I got the word that next week I am scheduled to have a rather impressive abdominal mass surgically removed.
I’m slightly upset, but not for the reasons you might think.
I’m cheesed because I’m gonna be holed up in recovery for weeks and weeks and won’t be able to do yoga or go for a run just as the weather is getting really nice. I’m also upset because I’m going to miss 2 conferences that I was really looking forward to attending.
I’m especially upset however, about the fact that I didn’t pay enough attention to the clues my body has been giving me for months and months, eg. slightly elevated temperature, a little unusual discomfort, etc. — you know, all those things that you just ‘tough out’.
Duh. Me.
Anyway, although I trust that all will be well, I’ll be very grateful if you would be so kind as to call upon higher powers, cross your fingers, imagine golden light or simply think good thoughts for me on Thursday March 13th. THANKS in advance!!!
And… when was YOUR last medical?
I am sorry to hear about your health issues. I will defintely say a prayer for you. this is my first post here. Thanks for the encouragement on my much need doctor’s visit. I found your site last week. I have been learning a lot from you in such a short time. I am just starting our with starting a internet business.
Oh Ros!
Well, that just sucks. Big time. The universe will be receiving my special thoughts with your name on them. With all your friends and fans sending prayers to the higher powers, you should feel a buzz even before the meds kick in.
But now it’s time to think and focus on nothing but ROS. Recovery always takes longer when you think of the things you woulda/shoulda, instead of looking at the recovery process as your special healing time. And also to wallow in being blissfully catered to! Look at it as “Diva-time”.
Hi Ros,
So sorry to hear of you medical problems. It took many doctors 6 years to figure out my problem. I had a football sized tumor removed from an ovary along with a full Hysterectomy. That was 5 years ago and everything went well.
I wish you only good news and a relaxing recovery. Take care of yourself. Big
Here’s a prayer that you have a complete and quick recovery. Remember life will always throw curve balls your way, but even the worst hitters can hit those out of the park if they connect the right way with the ball.
You have always given so much positive energy to many of us that have been struggling, I only hope in some small way I can send some back to you now.
Rosalind, I am happy to hear that you are keeping positive about your pending surgery. I can tell you from my own experience that attitude is very important to your recovery. I will be thinking of you and praying for you. Be especailly thankful that we live in the times that we do. Medicine and surgery in the twenty first century is truely miraculous. May God bless and keep you. rick.
Hi Rosalind,
I’m very sorry to hear about your condition – I will definitely be thinking good, positive thoughts for you on the 13th (and always). Wishing you a speedy recovery!
Don’t be so hard on yourself.
I went for months denying anything was wrong with me until my arm and shoulder became paralyzed and I could barely walk. Finally had an MRI and ended-up having to have a bone fusion. Much better now thank god.
Take a few books that you always wanted to read but never had time to and enjoy them.
We will all be saying prayers for you, sending you our positive thoughts, and waiting here when you return.
Thanks for all of the support and encouragement you have given all of us.
Your friend
Hey Ros, if anyone can pull through this it’s you. You’re one of the strongest women I know and you certainly won’t let a pesky surgery get you down. I hear ya on the yoga and running disruption, nothing worse than not being able to exercise but think of it as a much needed vacation. You’re in my thoughts kiddo and I KNOW everything will be just fine.
To everyone:
I have read just about every one of your e-mails and we exchanged e-mails a many years ago… you even made a nice quote about my e-book. So I really don’t know you, but we are not 100% strangers either. In any case, I understand how you must feel and will pray for only good things for you.
I hope I can add that we do all need to have that mammogram or physical, and get a 2nd opinion, or a 3rd if necessary. My wife had a mammogram in January of 2008 (at 41) and it came back with possible abnormalities. So we had another one done by another company shortly thereafter, and they said to “Go home, all is well, see you in a year” type of thing.
Oh how I wish we had asked for a 3rd opinion. In August we went back to the Doctor because Michelle’s breast was bothering her, and have been since through a series of tests and heart breaking news since then. For those who know, Stage IV cancer is a very difficult situation. Yes, very difficult for a woman with an 8 year old daughter.
I hope you don’t mind me posting this, I know it is hard when you are going through this surgery, yet it is SO very important and if just one person listens and goes back to the Dr. earlier if there are questions, it will hopefully be a good use of our time.
Thank you.
My best wishes to you.
John Davin
Hey Ros – wishing you a speedy recovery. I look forward to seeing you soon at a future conference, maybe in May or June : )
Your surgery is scheduled in my planner for the 13th. I’ll send healing thoughts and prayers your way Rosalind. It must be terribly disappointing to be forced to cancel your long awaited plans. It’s a good time to slow down and focus on your health… heck, you have to anyways.
Hi there;
I truly hope and pray you feel a lot better after your surgery. I know it’s not a fun thing to go through.
Do not look for my web site as I get so far at setting it up then I’m lost and do not know what to do next. I am just spending a ton af money on the net for nothing. I should have saved money and used it to get some-one to set up the site for me. You can tell I’m old and self taught on the web. I just do not understand some of the teck talk.
Bless you, may God be with you.
Blessed Be
While I’m sure you’d prefer Prada, you’re looking pretty hot in that little knee-length number. 🙂 I’ll say a prayer for you Ros.
Ros – I do love the look, but your smile tops it all. Keep up the great attitude because a positive outlook will mean a lot in your recovery.
I had a major abdominal surgery 2 years ago that sidelined the exercise habit for about six weeks. When I got back to exercising my whole outlook had changed – and even the days where I was less than motivated were a celebration.
I will keep you in my prayers –
All the very best to you. And yes, I will remember you to the higher power.
Congrats for your attitude towards this scary event in your life, and for sharing it with us!
Rosalind, Friday, 3-7-2008
You have my prayers & best wishes.
Please email me or have your assistant do it once you get your results.
I may well be able to get you some good info & ideas if you turn out to need them if they give you less than good news.
Hopefully they give you good news. But if not, there are things you can do they may not know of that I can get to you.
David Eller
Hi Ros: It never feels good to hear we have to be hospitalized. We are so lucky to be alive in these modern times of advanced medicine. Have faith in the skills of your doctors and best wishes for a speedy recovery.
You are well thought of and everyone wants you back in the pink soon.
Good Health,
Norm (avid reader and customer)
Hey Ros,
Got a sticky note on my computer now. Prayers are coming your way.
The surgery goes great and you’ll be your happy, healthy self in no time.
God Bless,
John Piteo
P.S. Here is a positive affirmation for ya to burn into your subconscious…
“I sleep in peace and I wake in joy. Through peaceful sleep, my body and mind are renewed and restored to perfect health.”
Rosalind; Feel better! I’m sure all will go well with your surgery, as you’ve got such a positive attitude. Before you can blink, the warm weather will be here, and you’ll be out and about.
Keep your sense of humor through it all. I know you will, because you’re starting the adventure that way.
My thoughts will be with you for a positive outcome.
All the best,
I will be saying an extra prayer for you, if you need anything while recovering please let me know.
Take care
Hi Rosalind: Yes I’m concerned but I know you will come thru this stronger than ever. I know you’re scared even though it’s hard to admit. You and I are a lot alike, we are stubborn until our bodies tell us different. I went thru surgery similar to yours in 1988. Like I said it’s scary because it’s your body that they are doing this to, (Ros everything will be fine.)
If I can beat this I know damn well you can. Love ya sweetie, Jan
Hi Ros,
Thank you for sharing your upcoming surgery with us. I am sorry you are going through this and I will send many prayers your way.
Please keep us posted on your progress.
Dear Ros
It seems that you are very strong and positive about life and that is such an asset. But now is the time to “go with the flow” and let others care for you so that your strength and energy can return – all in good time.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery Rosalind.
Hi Roz,
Sorry to hear about your up coming surgery. I have said a prayer for a safe and healthy result.
I have been reading your newsletter and blog for many years. I feel like we are friends, because of that I have been moved to post on a blog for the first time.
All the best and I look forward to reading more interesting and informative blogs on your recovery.
Be well,
I can see the headline now…
“Affiliate Marketing Queen Recruits Entire Medical Team To Promote Ebook”
Best wishes Ros!
Hi Ros,
Good luck with the surgery. Get out of the hospital as quickly as you can …you’ll recover much faster at home. Cheers.
Mike & David
Dear Rosalind, you are my affiliate wonder-women, I love your style – your storys about your shoes and the vacations..;o) I wish you get well very soon – use your imagination to heal the wounds very fast, this is the best way.
I’m on your site at the 13th.
Hey ROS,
Jeanne here and I have been an OR nurse for over 25 years. I just attended
an AORN (American Operating Room Nurses) meeting today and the thoracic surgeon spoke of an endoscopic procedure whereby she removes a patient’s entire lung for cancerous or benign tumors endocopically using a camera, telescopes and a few other endocopic instruments. The recovery process is drastically reduced, the pain is less and the patient is able to resume their daily activites in far less time.
Currently this procedure is only done in about 5 medical centers across the the US. People don’t have this procedure done because they don’t know about it. This surgeon said that if you ask other surgeons that don’t know how to do this procedure they will tell you, “It’s very dangerous as you can’t see very well.” This surgeon said the exact opposite is true. The surgeon and everyone else in the OR can see the operative site much better as it is viewed on a TV screen.
The reason I am telling you this ROS is that it doesn’t sound like you are having this mass removed through an endoscope if your recovery process is going to take “weeks and weeks.” I would HIGHLY recommend asking around to see what surgeons do this procedure endoscopically. Please don’t let the surgeon tell you that nobody removes a mass such as yours this way as he or she just may not know of anyone who does it through an endoscope.
I have written an article on “How to Be Safe in the Operating Room” that I will send you through “Contact ROS.”
If you want to discuss this further you can email me and we can set up a
time to talk on Skype.
Please know I am only trying to help and am wanting you to be able to make an informed decision and receive the best medical care possible for your surgery.
My thoughts and prayers are with you throughout this difficult time.
Hi Ros, we’ve never met but … I love all your emails, your great book and I enjoy your website. You’re an internet inspiration (along with Ken Evoy) and there’s a whole load of us out here quietly sending you our hopes and prayers for a speedy recovery. Come back soon – you’re needed.
08 March 2008 21:34:38 Central Standard Time
Dear Rosalind,
My thoughts are with you Ros. I’ve been there, the one doing the cutting. Infection is the most dangerous element with invasive surgery.
If the mass is benign your prognosis is good. If the tumor is malignant and has metastasized, and the main tumor is removed, that will accelerate the growth of any cancer cells that have migrated.
That would require the use of custom made monoclonal antibodies for the antigen protein on the surface of those particular cancer cells. Fortunately, there are several multi pronged attacks available to those who have money here in the USA, besides chemotherapy which is a non specific brute force sledge hammer.
The hospital strain of Staphylococcus, referred to by insiders as Hospital Staff, is resistant to about all the known antibiotics, except still perhaps a toxic intravenous brew of the aminoglycosides. The aminoglycosides can be toxic to the 8th cranial nerve also know as the vestibulocochlear nerve responsible for transmitting sound and equilibrium and you will never hear again.
I’m not trying to cause you additional stress concerning going under the knife but I still want to save you one of Shivas puppies in a few years and perhaps meet you someday.
They won’t tell you how many people die for Hospital Staff, and it’s very high and it’s everywhere in the hospitals , i.e. the resistant strain.
When I almost died from Typhoid Fever while in Medical School I would not let them take me to a hospital, for fear that I would surely die in my immuno comprimised state.
Get out of the hospital as soon as you can.
Your friend always,
Frank Funston Eckdall
Hi Roz,
With all our prayers coming your way, you can’t help but have a speedy recovery.
But be sure to take some relaxation time for yourself during the recovery process. Maybe join Oprah’s book club and read Eckhart Tolle’s book “A New Earth”. There’s a tremendous amount of positive energy buzzing around in that group.
All the best,
Ros! Sometimes you just gotta slow down babe, and yes, you’ll master it very fine!
Yours faithfully forever!
Hi Ros,
I am new to your site but old to your medical venue. I encourage you to pay close attention to yourself, ask for whatever you need and do not hesitate to bring your needs and symptoms to the medical staff.
Best of luck,
New fan of yours and I wish you well next week–A dear friend of mine is going through something very similar and her doctor gave her this pearl of wisdom–he told her:
“Don’t jump ahead of the diagnosis—take each step as it comes..the next appt., the next test, the next procedure…”
You can do it Rosland–Stay in the moment
Hey Ros,
Here’s wishing you a speedy recovery. You’ll be fine. And, I’m sure you’ll come out of this with your new book, “Super Affiliates Guide to Making Money While Holed Up In the Hospital Wearing Only Teal Green Hospital Garb.”
Seriously, good luck and I’ll be praying for you.
Hi Rosalind:
All the best to you. My thoughts and prayers are with you, stay positive.
A speedy recovery is in the works :}
keep us posted on your progress!!!!!!
Hi Rosalind:
My best to you. Take all the time you need to get back on your feet and into your designer clothes. You will be healthy again.
I am going to do what Dionne Warwick sang, I am going to “Say a little prayer for you.” When I wake up and put on my make-up I’ll say a little prayer for you. And through the daytime and into the play time, I’ll say a little prayer for you.
Get well soon.
BIG Prayer from O-town, girl.
God won’t let you off that easy.
You still have WAY too much to do.
Seriously though.
I wish you the best.
You know I do.
You have a whole community that’s going to be in there with you!
And waiting when you come out.
So let us know asap, K?
Then, take a much deserved rest.
I believe in you Ros.
(From my family to your’s.)
Dear Rosalind:
You have my prayers for a speedy recovery. Carolyn S.
Dear Ros,
you take care, thanks for sharing and there are times when blogging is just so wonderful that we can have such great community hence, support
pray and meditate and I’ll send you some angels
Rosalind, Will be praying for you and wishing you well. A Month ago I had my right shoulder totaly replaced, surgery isn’t fun, Thanks for all the great advice
Good luck, God will be on your side!!!
Will send you Healing on thursday. luv.
HI Rosalind,
I know you’ll do just fine – you’re great at everything you do! You’re a super fine woman and can conquer all! All my best and
Warm wishes,
Thank God you have the chance to address your medical issue. Some are less fortunate, and don’t. Many people are less fortunate. If we all threw our problems in the middle of the room, we would pick ours up, turn around, and run, without looking back. I will put you in my prayers.
Holding you in the Light…………..
Good luck and recover well and quickly. Your great energy will no doubt be a healing
resource; take time to rest and come back like gangbusters!
Best Wishes Ros. and a very speedy recovery!!! We need you…By the way you look very posh in hosp. greens…
Wishing you the best on the 13th.
Be sure to listen to your body and give yourself time to heal. Think of the symbolism of “gut surgery”. There are lots of complicated and very sensitive things in there. All will be well; just don’t schedule–or expect–too much too soon after surgery. (Ask me how I know this!)
Hello Ros,
Wishing you a quick recovery from you surgery. I like all of your
programs. I have learned a lot from you. I will be praying for you.
Thanks for all your Blogs, feed, etc. Bert
Get well soon ! We need you back at your laptop ! You are one of the
few people out there that really knows what they are talking about, with
the results to back it up. Thank you for all the excellent advice in your
newsletters. Will say a prayer for your complete and quick recovery.
Think happy thoughts,
Dear Rosalind,
Your writing inspires me. Your work helps me.
You have helped so many people!
You are such a successful woman,
and such a good lady!
I’m sorry to hear of your need for surgery.
You’re on my prayer list, starting now. May God bless you,
and bring about rapid and full and complete healing.
It’s my 52nd birthday today, and I’m praying for you.
It will be such a nice birthday present for me,
when you get better right away.
Hang in there, Ros. A lot of people care about you.
Best to you,
Hi Ros,
Thanks for the neat example of communicating with your readers about a personal issue, well written and explained. I look forward to reading your exine again because its generally very positive and relevant.
I wish you well. Good Luck
Stay strong and positive, you will be great.
Take care of yourself to get well.
Look forward to hearing from you and that you are back on your feet.
Hi! Rosalind
I have never written to you before, but am an avid reader of your newsletter-blog.
I am so sorry to hear of your illness, but I feel assured everything will be ok for you.
I know you believe in prayer, and my wife and I will pray for you this sunday at our church.
You will be ok, and everything will go well for you.
Please let us know the results of your surgery.
Talk Later
Healing thoughts and best wishes for today’s surgery and also for a speedy and complete recovery.
Hi Ros ~
Hope the surgery went well and that you are on the speedy road to recovery.
Take care,
I’m sorry to just hear about your surgery. I’ve been so busy trying to figure things out about (like when you were new) trying to do my website I didn’t read about your surgery till just now.
You have much to give and teach so I know you’ll do fine. But, remember to concentrate on the white light focusing on your surgery, and remember to go into surgery with that “feeling” of healing.
God Bless, & I do look forward to meeting you someday at a convention.
Larry C
Hi Rosalind,
Hope you feel fine and recovering from your surgery.
You are a wonderful lady and I wish you many years of joy and good health.
Truly yours,
A bit late to post, but I trust all went well!
As a health care provider, I can only encourage everyone to get their checkups. But not only that…we all need to do the things we know will get us and keep us healthy.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
Hello Rosalind,
Wishing you a speedy recovery. Hope all went well with your surgery. I know this is a little late tho.
All good wishes for your recovery and that everything works out the
way it should.
Hi Ros, how are you? Hope you are feeling good as new after surgery. Remember that the cure for all ills is a good bowl of Pho. I’m with ya on that. There is a restaurant here that is actually named What The Pho, like the t-shirt, ha ha. Best wishes for health and happiness.
Mark Nolan