Awaking from a dream in which I was fighting with an ocelot to hear Jasper barking, I kind of wondered how the rest of the day (my 52nd birthday) would go. 🙂
I then looked out the window and saw a possum – the first I’ve ever seen in the wild, or in an RV Resort parking lot. Pretty cool.
We were leaving the Golden Shore RV Park in Long Beach that morning for San Mateo Campground to try and get there before the rain set in.
It was an easy drive down I-5 to San Clemente – (OK, relatively easy — I just had to pretend that I was on the QEW a number of times to try and relax) and we were there in under an hour.
We found a nice site with a view overlooking the Pendleton Marine Base. It was SO nice to be somewhere where the view outside was JUST trees — not another trailer.
The weatherman’s predictions were right on and we totally lucked out with a warm dry Sunday.
We spent part of the afternoon looking for a place on the beach where Jasper could run with no success. So we retured to the campsite where Jasper could chase his ball unincumbered by other campers — seriously, there was no one else camped there.
Ed made a lovely dinner of pork chops, scalloped potatoes (my favorite) and a veggie medley of broccoli and caulifower. YUM! I love home-cooking.
He then surprised me with a Red Velvet cake and cards from both him and Jasper.
OK, I’ve never said “Bastard!” in response to a birthday card, but here’s how Ed’s card read:
“Remember, age is all in your mind…
… the trick is to keep it from creeping down into your body!”
He’s right, though.. the diet starts tomorrow. 🙂
After dinner, we had a big bonfire using beautiful hardwood contributed by fellow campers Fred and Laura from Imperial Beach.
We topped off the night with 60 Minutes which aired an excellent candid interview with President Barack Obama.
Oh ya, and over the course of the day, I received more than 200 good wishes from Facebook friends on both my accounts. WOW! How cool! Thank YOU ALL!
All in all – a great day.
A belated ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY’ Young Lady. Yeah Roz; you’re just a kid.
Thanks for the birthday wishes, Grant!
So glad to hear your day was great! That would be my kind of birthday celebration. Hopefully one day Kev and I will end up traveling around the US in an RV.
Hum, am I the only one who thought your B-Day was last month? Anyway, Happy Birthday! – sure wish I could have been there for some of that Red Velvet Cake. Ed Rocks too!
Thanks Evelyn,
OK, so what’s up with the ‘Eva’? Have you changed your name?
Thanks for the birthday wishes. How the heck are you guys? Staying home for Christmas? Wishing you all the best wherever and whatever your plans.
Ros, Ed and Jasper.