After nearly a month of successfully using our satellite dish to connect to the Internet, I wasn’t prepared for what happened when we got to Tucson.
Despite working to acquire a signal for nearly 2 days (multiple restarts and calls to support), Ed couldn’t get a lock on the satellite.
Although we could get free WiFi at Starbucks with a 10 minute drive, I was surprised at how bereft I felt not having the connection available in the RV.
Hmmm… does that make me lazy? Spoiled? Addicted?
I guess it’s a combination of the all three.
I’m not keen to spend an hour or two at Starbucks answering support emails when I usually can do that from the comfort of my mobile office with its incredible view.
And with a Type A personality, addiction is probably the primary reason I feel completely disconnected and immobilized.
Without access to the Internet, all the questions that get Googled in an average day are going unanswered.
Questions such as “what kind of cactus is that?“, “are there poisonous spiders and snakes hanging around in January?” and “are those killer rabbits?“. You know, the stuff you really need to know before venturing into the desert.
So here I sit in my office – no answers and thus no movement.
Someone PLEASE send me a signal! π
Follow up. After writing the above, I gathered up some courage and ventured out with Jasper to brave the bunnies for a couple of hours. We lived.
When we returned, Ed was still working on the connection, so I went and took a look at the situation.
Five minutes after asking him “whether the purple cable should in fact be connected to the other purple cable“, we had access to the Internet again.
Fortunately, I’d wasted all my pent up energy on the walk, so Ed too will live… this time. π
Great story about the satellite connection. I know the frustration of not being able to get online when we are used to having 24-hour access. Thanks for sharing a personal story.
I used to live in Tucson and love the area. Hope you enjoy your stay!
Hey Ros…
I like reading about your adventures.. your in my old stomping grounds Arizona… Phoenix… been all over the state some for work and a lot of adventuring..I loved it there (miss it) ..cowboy land… π If you get for enough out from civilization…not hard to do, you will hear the strangest sounds… babies crying at night… is just the coyotes crying to each other…
Oh! and jack rabbits do bite… if you can catch one…! Hope you got to see a real roadrunner…. fearless creatures.
Rattlers only play when it’s real hot… 80 f and above or if your really lookin…
Anyway happy to see you got to see Arizona….lots of neat places to see…
Cheers…. put up some more pics of Arizona.. love to see em…
larry mac
LOL – that sounds so like too many things my Mr’s has caught me out at Ros …. A thing that I’m sure a few en are nodding too in secret π
Great to find you Cheers … I’m locked on
Sounds like you’re having a blast; except for the no internet thing π
I’d love to get the details of the satellite internet hookup, as I’m looking at some rather remote property north of Ottawa that doesn’t currently have an internet service provider available.
I can’t imagine hanging around up there without a connection. Any details/links would be appreciated.
But I do know how you feel and no you are not lazy..maybe spoiled and addicted AS AM I. When we go to visit my parent’s in Indiana, they still have dial up so dad goes in to town (30 min. drive) to Starbucks every day which is where I end up when I’m there to get my work done. I offered to pay for them to have high speed but that was of no interest to them. Oh well.
Glad you fixed the connection!