Yes, it’s true. I GAVE my 500SL (an AMG version no less) away over Christmas.
I donated it to the automotive program at Okanagan College in Kelowna.
My reasons were many-fold.
- We needed the space it was taking up in the garage for Ed’s new pickup truck.
- I didn’t drive it at all last year.
- It was besotted with electrical problems, i.e. you couldn’t drive it without charging it first, even after spending almost 3 grand to get the computer control unit fixed. (Yes, I have an ongoing issue with Mercedes over this).
- The car was too big. Rather, the driver’s seat was too big for me. If I wanted to haul a** up the 3A curves westbound from 97, I would be thrown around in the seat. Ergo, I either needed a 5-point harness to be able to drive the thing properly (properly meaning foot-to-the-floor around those corners) or get a seat that fit me.
- Lastly, but most importantly, I’ve gone very green and a gas-guzzler like the 500SL doesn’t exactly fit my lifestyle.
Regardless, it was with a lump in my throat and the hint of a tear in my eye that I said goodbye to this beautiful piece of machinery as it left for points north.
Hi Rosalind,
Wow – that is amazing. Very generous of you, and you are definitely commended for going more green, and also great that you will help the Okanagan College in the process.
What is also inspiring is that you are able to do this, that you are earning the kind of income that will allow you to be generous like this.
Thanks for sharing!
Hello Roz , I do sympathize I had to watch my Celica going up a replica of that truck ramp recently,it was night time and her tail lights were on and all, I felt bad as I knew she was going to the wrecker to be broken up for parts.My husband looked down his aristocratic nose at my Celica being the proud owner of a Mercedes sports.I loved my old model Celica, but as it was needing an automatic steering replacemnet,she had to go.Sob!So I have been taking public transport and loving it,with airconditioning and just 3 mins from the house, when I go to the city I just get off the tram and well do not have to think of parking it ,isn’t that cool.;-).
Wishing you a great 2010 Roz .
Hi Patricia,
I hear ya. But think of the old girl as an organ donator… keeping all those other old Celica’s alive. π
Hey Roz,
Love reading your blog. I’m sniffling too, because I need a another car soooo bad. Wish it had been me π
Happy New Year!!
Ah Ruth,
You wouldn’t have wanted that car. Way to expensive to drive and fix. Trust me, I thought about raffling it off, but thought it best that it should go to those guaranteed to be mechanically inclined. π
That’s totally awesome that you did that, though, Rosalind! I can totally empathize with the pain of letting it go. I, too, get attached to vehicles like that. (You wouldn’t believe the two that hurt the most to get rid of…haha! A ’79 Delta 88 and a ’78 Ford F150 – gawd, I miss both of those so much! Well, and I recently read about the Papa John’s guy searching down his old Camero and buying it back – would love to have my ‘Lizzie’ back. My very first car – an ’84 Sentra. Loved that car.
You’re awesome, Ros – for donating it!! My brother donated his motorcycle a couple years ago to an employee in need. It was hard for him to let it go, but, the reward in helping that guy out was worth it! (And boy, was his wife ever happy! LOL!!)
Hi Rosalind,
Awesome use of a vehicle you no longer really use, but I’m wondering what sort of “greener” car you plan on driving now. I’ve had a look at a few hybrids and am thinking that just a plain old Honda Civic 4-banger getting 30+ mpg might be a “greener” option. What do you think?
Best Wishes for 2010!
Hi Travis,
Thanks… felt much better to donate it than sell it for a penny on the buck.
As for “greener” vehicle, I also had a ‘spare’ Mercedes in the garage, i.e. the one I’ve driven since 2003. π
If I were trading in for a town vehicle, I’d go for a Prius… but we use the SUV to haul the T@B, so a Prius wouldn’t be much good in that case.
Still waiting for hydrogen!