Get home from a week in Toronto trying to sort out Mom’s home (getting folks in to buy what they want and get rid of non-saleable items) and trying our best to make sure she is as comfortable and happy as she can be in her new living arrangements at the retirement home and what letter do I open first on our return?
A call for freakin’ jury duty.
We still have 2 places for sale (one at a distance and dealing with power of attorney), a 100th birthday party to plan, another trip to Toronto, AND our trip south for the winter to get ready for… all in the next 6 weeks.
I can apparently claim physical or mental disability to opt out of jury duty… right now I think MENTAL fits the bill.
UPDATE: The Sheriff’s department called a few days ago and cancelled the summons to appear for jury selection. Yee-HAAAAA!
Hi Rosalind, Seems like a lot of family plans shall take precedent over jury duty. I go by Family First. Enjoy your family..
Jean ‘
Thanks Jean… I need to apply for a reprieve, for sure. 🙂
You are pushing yourself too hard here, Roz.
I can tell by your picture with you mom that you stressed out. Which means you cannot keep this pace. Do I sense uneplained weight gain? Been there and trying to rid myself of it. I find that there needs to be less on my plate, both food and activities.
Do not be too bold to write back. i know some solutions.
Hey Grant,
I really appreciate your concern.
My life has been a complete SCHMOZ for the past 6 years, BUT things are getting better now with mom taken care of and her house almost sold.
We’re staying home this winter to focus on me and my health, so that ‘unexplained’ weight gain is probably going to start going away… 30 pounds in the past 6 years and I hate every ounce. This is NOT where I wanted to be, trust me.
Anyway, like I said, things are turning around and I do appreciate that you notice and care.