UPDATE: FINALLY, in late November, T-Mobile refunded the money they owed me. I had to wait that long, because they couldn’t actually refund money until 30 days AFTER the refund was processed. UGH.
Phoned T-Mobile AGAIN today to try and re-coup the $340US that they’ve stolen from me. (See my last post).
That was AFTER I tried to get into my T-Mobile account which;
a) didn’t recognize my email address, then sent me a password update email;
b) for which the password change link did NOT work (blank page), and;
c) the customer service link also resulted in a blank page.
Check out the graphic images…

T-Mobile Doesn’t Recognize my Client ID / email address

T-Mobile Change Password Email

Click on the ‘change password’ or ‘customer service’ links and all you get from T-Mobile is a blank page.
Anyway, the phone call went smoothly, NOT.
I spoke with Chrissy and Richard, neither of whom could access my account despite sending me ‘one-time’ security verification pins (TWICE) and then telling me that the ONLY way to rectify this matter was to go to a T-Mobile store.
Sorry, nope.
I’m NOT driving HOURS to the closest T-Mobile store to have them tell me that there is nothing they can do. We’ve BEEN to those stores and the least amount of time you ever spend in them in 1.5 hours listening to extremely LOUD music and dealing with T-Mobile representatives who have to PHONE the same people who couldn’t help me on the phone.
NO resolution today, but, the boss’s boss is calling me on Tuesday. Let’s hope HE can do something. I’m just guessing that it’s a ‘he’ like all the other T-Mobile bosses with whom I’ve spoken. That might be part of their problem.
Anyway, the whole b.s. rigamarole seems like a big set up to me, simply to frustrate me to no end where T-Mobile keeps my $340US.
Have you had a similar experience with T-Mobile? Please share by leaving a comment below.
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