I think it perfectly fitting that I make my first post to RosalindGardner.me on April Fool’s Day.
Let’s see, I’ve had a successful online business since January 1998 (now more than 9 years) and only now do I realize how silly I’ve been not to capture a No. 1 spot on Google with my own name — Rosalind Gardner using the domain rosalindgardner.me that I registered with GoDaddy on the 18th of June 2002.
Duh. Big BIG DUH!
Live and learn… and besides, all that traffic was not really lost as I was redirecting traffic from this domain to my site NetProfitsToday.com during that time.
Anyway, let’s see how long it takes Google to put RosalindGardner.me in the top listing for a search for “Rosalind Gardner”. 🙂
More to come…
Hi Rosalind,
It feels wonderful to be the first to comment on your new blog.
I have been reading your blog/netprofit newsletter for quite some time and learning from your tips..
Have a great day!
With best wishes,
Hi Ros,
Good to see you up at your personal domain at last!
Am I the first to comment?
Hi Rosalind,
I just read your email about the value of registering a domain in your personal name.
It doesn’t matter where you are, your name is your address and your name is where you are and you are always home… contact can not get any easier.
Please tells us more about you month in Singapore and Viet Nam.
Thanks, Art
Hi Rosalind!
I am really looking forward to what you do on your blog… I’ll add it to my own blogs and websites, maybe you’ll pick up some traffic and ranking from that a little quicker.
Nice to see you back in Canada!! Hope you had a marvelous trip!
Warmest regards,
Lisa Preston
Happy Birthday to the birth of your new blog! 😉
Hi Rosalind
I look forward to reading your new blog.
I always read Net Profit Today.
I think I will register my name today.
Thank You
Carol Sue
Hi Rosalind,
I have always been interested having sex with rich white women. I think I have the tools to meet your needs. Maybe I can make you an American Citizen out of the deal too? Just no prenups.
Hi Rosalind,
I bought Super Affiliate Handbook in Sept. 2005 and I have been using it for my affiliate business. I attribute my success so far to the ideas and information I got from reading and applying this book. Your new blog will be another forum to learn from.
John Muritu
OK, you might wonder why I bothered to approve the comment from “Won Hung Lo”.
1) I did so as an example of some of the ‘trash’ I get to see on a too regular basis, and:
2) I thought it was pretty funny! 🙂
hiya ros,just wondering…If you know tim knox,and your thoughts about him,and i will bookmark your blog .and maybe some tips on my website,traffic,marketing,etc……i also bought your super duper handbook.:)
Good Day Rosalind
First thank you for all the great tips and information that I find in netprofits.today.
It is refreshing afther all the crap I read on the internet and that I find in other newsletters .
First let me present myself ,you allready know my name
I’ve had a more or less succesfull online business during 1997 exporting chocholates, candy and other good products out belgium ?I did that through a online shopping mall that I created .The belgian-shopping-mall.com I used affiliate programs from the verry beginning on the website but mainly to attract more visitors to my website and that worked well at the end of that year I had over 500 unique visitors a month and I was happy with it because I made a net profit through my website of 2000 DOLLARS.
But to make it short due to divorce and financial miss fortune I was offline for severall years .
I turned back on the internet in 2003 and found every thing changed in that way that you have to pay for good listings in search engines and directories .
For a guy like me working on a verry low budget
is that a great handicap to the ones that have enough money or a own a credit card .
I personally have to be able to pay for something by making a banktransfer of money to buy online.
I have now several new domain names registred but I don’t receive any visitors on the websites ,yes a few a month not worth to mention.So I ask myself what do I have to do to make some money from it.
I know the sites look crapy maintain and make them myself after my daily work as a construction worker.
I would love your honnest opinion or recommendations on the following website http://www.shopping-business.net
and how I could make it better. I have also registred euro-games.be sexy-gifts.com
Thanks for your time and keep up the good work
Hi Rosalind,
I bought your Super Affiliate Handbook & the Gold Edition later. I had to respond to this as I couldn’t stop laughing when I read that one from “Won Hung Lo†as I kept wondering how in the h*** did THAT get through? But, now I get the msg.
I just recently registered my website as an Affiliate of yours, now I’m going to start a blog via your NPT newletter.
Ros, I know you keep hearing this all the time, but I truly appreciate your information. It’s been an important guide for me.
Hi Rosalind;
I am a nervous nelly.. and I am really hoping to get a response from you. I have been contemplating ordering your Affiliates Handbook but something is holding me back. I have been scammed once too often and regardless of the fact that it is affordable, I cannot bring myself to be p’d off again and again. By the way my brother is living proof that making money (BIG money!) online works! he has 3 websites and he is living a really BIG lifetyle, but he is also a gifted genius. I want to earn big like him and you but is it really possible??? for anyone???… please respond, I really need some one-on-one validation. Thanks in advance.
Hi Rosalind,
I am always so genuinely happy to see a woman who has set herself apart from the majority & made herself successful in her own right. In your case I would call it phenomenally successful…. looks like you have built an empire! Anyhow, I have just signed up for your newsletter.
Well done :)(from a fellow sister!)
Cool looking blog, can I ask you what template you are running and how much it costs? I have been using cheap ones but cannot find one that I really like.
I’m using a theme from
They range in price from $70 for a single, or you can join the club (get all themes) for 100, then
20 bucks a month.
Hope that helps!