I feel bad, having promised my friends in Texas a visit this winter, but not having delivered on that promise — yet again.
From our southernmost point in Arizona (Patagonia Lake) to our planned destination in Texas — it was 1,181 mi / 18 hours 33 mins. LONG trip, especially when we don`t do more than 3 hours per day, i.e. that would have been 6 days down and 6 days back.
At 4 bucks a gallon and only 10 miles per gallon – 236 gallons x 4 = $944. Almost a grand to travel to…
Cool, muddy waters on the Gulf Coast that aren`t suitable for swimming in winter.
I’ve BEEN there and there are NO pretty mountains or cacti … and I’m not that much of a bird watcher.
Ergo, 12 days travel for a thousand bucks to a place that wasn`t appreciably warmer or more scenic than where we were already.
So, what can I say but `sorry`… and maybe we’ll visit next year if the southern Texas winter is actually HOT and a little drier. 🙂
Saw the Lone star atop the great state of Texas and felt the need to find out why you could not visit your friends. I was thinking dread diseases, dying relatives, horrible accidents. Not so. Seems like a promise and a friend don’t mean as much to writer R. Gardner as they do to this writer. Too bad.
“Promise” was too strong a word. Perhaps I should have said ‘we hoped to have visited Texas and see some of our friends’.
Having said that, we will be spending most of next winter in Louisiana and Texas.
But considering your very unfriendly (got out on the wrong side of the bed and want to bite someone) comment… we won’t be visiting you, and that IS a promise. 🙂
Rosalind Gardner