Ed and I just finished up a stressful month. It’s a month I’d like to forget and this will sound weird, but that’s why I need to write it down. Writers are strange people, to be sure. π
It started back on September 22nd while I was at an appointment to fill up on prescriptions to take south over the winter. As we were leaving, our doctor stopped us in the hallway and handed Ed a requisition for testing that he was supposed to get done immediately and then make a follow-up appointment to see him asap.
Ugh. That didn’t sound good, so Ed did as ordered and the following Monday (the 29th) we were informed that Ed had cancer indicators in his blood and needed further testing. Our doc would put in the requisitions that day with an emphasis on the need for speed.
No point in waiting around for tests that probably wouldn’t happen for awhile, we then flew to Toronto the next day to spend a week with my Mom.
On the 30th, we took her out shopping for new winter clothes, then to lunch at her favorite (Swiss Chalet) and then to the dog park at Marie Curtis Park in Mississauga.
As my mom walked from the car to the fence at the dog park, I was walking backwards a few steps in front of her and watching her every step of the way… and then HORRORS! she fell in what appeared to be slow motion. I managed to jump in and arrest her fall somewhat.
One of the park visitors immediately rushed to help Ed and I get her up off the ground and she seemed fine… going to the fence to meet the dogs in the park.
About 5 minutes later I noticed that there were a couple spots of blood on her pant leg below her knee, so I suggested we get back to her apartment to clean the wound.
Fifteen minutes after we arrived at her residence and had taken care of what was just a scrape below her knee, my Mom started crying about the pain in her leg. I took another look and the area around the scrape was greatly swollen. Rather than try to get her into our Jeep rental vehicle to take her to the hospital, we called an ambulance.
Thank goodness we did that. If we’d taken her to emergency and she’d had to wait, I can’t imagine how much pain she would have endured until she’d finally been looked at in the emergency department. As it was, the ambulance attendants did their best and we still waited hours and hours to finally see a doctor.
They did a number of tests in emergency and the results weren’t good. She was in renal failure and ended up spending the next 14 days in hospital.
That hospital stay turned out to be a blessing in disguise. While there, her whole medication regime was changed and she also started using a walker, which she had previously refused to even consider doing.
Other than a dinner with my buddies Brad and Ed from my Timmins days (1982 – 1986) and a quick afternoon in Oakville to have lunch at Julia’s….
…Ed and I spent the rest of our time in Toronto in the hospital with my mom.
Bad plan.
The day before we left, I could feel a cold coming on. As I write this post, it’s Day 21 of the cold / cough and I’m still hacking and blowing. Not as bad, mind you, but still… 21 days, what’s up with that?
We flew back to the Okanagan on October 6th and contending with Ed’s possible cancer issue came front and center.
Waiting sucks, not knowing sucks and I’m not good at either, so a couple of days later I asked Ed to check and see when he’d been booked in to see the hematologist. He learned that he wasn’t booked into until March 2016, so rather than blow a big bunch of brain cells, I asked Ed to book another appointment with our Doctor to find out what the hell was going on.
Thank goodness we did that.
It turned out that the appointment was taking so long because Ed’s blood no longer looked suspicious… although he did still need the spleen ultrasound.
Rather than wait until late November to go to Ed’s ultrasound appointment and find a place to park our RV during the cold Canadian winter when we could be in southern climes, we decided to head south for Arizona and for Ed to buy the ultrasound on our way at a cost of $750 US / $987.32 CDN. Amazing that the same ultrasound in BC costs only $250 Canadian… or $189.80 US. Yes, the American medical system is way over-priced and their own needy citizens can’t take advantage of it… but we WILL. π
So… that’s where we’re at right now.
WAY better than where we were a month ago… thank goodness!
At least I can maybe get some sleep now. π
We actually went for a long relaxing walk in the migratory bird sanctuary this morning… something we’ve been too stressed to do for the last month.
Keep you posted!
Please feel free to leave a comment!
Hey Ros,
Hope you and your Mom are feeling better.
We have some elders in our family too, and its
always a worry.
Is that canal photo from Canada or AZ.?
It looks like the one through Penticton.
Nice shot of the Dash 8.
Have fun this winter.
Hi Barry,
The canal shot was taken along the channel between Okanagan Falls and Vaseux Lake in British Columbia. It’s part of the Vaseux Lake Migratory Bird Sanctuary. It was taken at approximately https://www.google.ca/maps/place/49%C2%B019'03.0%22N+119%C2%B033'29.6%22W/@49.3175085,-119.5603987,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0?hl=en
Ros ~ WHAT a month! I can’t imagine. I’m sure your mother was so grateful you were there to help her and get her through this time. So glad that Ed is doing well too! Time to take a deep breath, rest and relax a little. Hope you’re able to do that – During stressful times the immune system doesn’t work nearly as well as it could. Sunshine helps and long walks with Jasper π
Take care!
Hey Gail,
I suppose my mother was grateful… although she’d never admit to it. π
Anyway, yes, we’re back on track with getting out and getting healthy again.
Wow Rosalind. There must’ve been something in the air (possibly Mercury in retrograde) last month. I too, had a horrendous month. It was one thing after another including losing two of my fur babies less than a week apart.
I hope you are taking your vitamin D? Since I started taking it a few years ago, I haven’t been sick but once or twice – and even then, they were mild cases. It should be taken by weight though – if you want the mathematical formula, just holler.
And yes, the medical care system in the US sucks. They gouge you on everything!
I sure hope you, Ed,and your mom are all feeling better soon! Hang in there!
Hi Carolyn,
SO very sorry to hear about the loss of your fur babies. That’s so sad. π
Thanks for the Vitamin D suggestion. I think I’d better start doing that again, ’cause these colds are getting longer and longer.
Is your formula for calculating intake – 1000 IUs of Vitamin D-3 per 25 pounds of body weight, but not more than 10,000 IUβs? Won’t tell you how MANY I’ll need. π
Hope your November goes much better!
Take care, Ros!
Please, stay well and focused…
I wish you peace of heart and mind.
Thanks kindly, Art!
I’m delighted, of course about your mom’s health improvement. Obviously enough that you concern diminished significantly.
But, what was all this rambling about, about? Eh?
Could you add/integrate to your PERSONAL reflections with concerns from your followers?
You’ve rather left us in Limbo and asking “WHY” we should ever bother again.
Hello David,
There were TWO links in the email you received. One to this personal post, which you could choose (or not) to follow.
The other was to a link about 3 fabulous food bloggers at http://rosalindgardner.com/blog/3-fabulous-food-bloggers/
Both were linked with specific text. What you chose to follow was up to you.
“WHY” you should ever bother again, is also up to you.
It’s better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you’re an ass, than to open it and remove all doubt!