After reading that you could drive and camp on the beach at Mustang Island State Park on the Gulf Coast of Texas, I knew we had to stop and stay there.
Camping on the beach is fine for tents and small vans, but probably not recommended for bigger rigs, unless you don’t mind calling out the AAA to get you unstuck from the sand.
The regular campground is a parking lot and a very oddly constructed one at that. There are 2 camp spots placed directly together then a small strip of grass between the next set of two. If the campground is busy, you’ll end up with a site in which your picnic table is on the side opposite your door.

Mustang Island Parking Lot
Then again, the beaten-up tables leave little to be desired as do the barbeque grills which are completely rusted and usually leaning to one side or another.
The ‘grass’ is full of what we call ‘pokies’ but are referred to as ‘stickers’ by the locals, i.e. step on them and they stick to you or your dog’s feet.
But THEN there’s the beach which is lovely.
The State Park staff do a remarkable job of keeping the beach clean based on the trash I saw on the beaches beyond the park boundaries.
As clean as the park beaches are, I wouldn’t walk barefoot on them or on the dunes. The plastic debris brought in by storms is embedded everywhere in the sand dunes.
Dogs are allowed on the beaches (unlike Florida and Mississippi) but must be kept on a leash. Fortunately, the rangers are really nice and only give you a warning if they catch your dog running off-leash (unlike California).
Ergo, Jasper had a lovely time chasing his ball on the beach and swimming in the Gulf of Mexico.
We met some lovely folks (see my REAL Swiss fondue post) and some characters.
The sunsets and sunrises were absolutely spectacular… one really great thing about being in the flat lands.
And the land there IS flat. Super flat and completely treeless. When a big dead bush drifted into our campsite during a wind storm we wondered where it came from considering we handed seen any flora that large in quite some time.
The birds are spectacular – lots of interesting seagulls, egrets, little hawks, pelicans (brown and white) and a number of other birds I cannot name and am too lazy to look up.
I really enjoyed riding my bike on the hard wet sand… but apparently, you’re supposed to wash AND oil your chain after riding in the salt water of the Gulf.
Guess it’s time for a new bike. 🙂
So glad you got to visit Mustang Island. We’ve been connected with that island for many years. I lived there for a year until I came back to Michigan for my Dad, but we plan on going back when he is no longer with us. That will be my home for the rest of my life – I hope! Love the island and the people!!!
As far as the beach goes, we hardly ever venture out there and have never utilized the campgrounds. We normally stay in duplexes or apartments. In fact, my daughter won’t even step into the water. What we do is a lot of fishing along the jetty and other areas, and offshore. The parks are great and life on the island – when it’s not too busy due to seasonal visitors – is fantastic. Just stay away during Spring Break! 😉
Hi Edie,
Thanks for getting in touch. Can’t imagine how busy Spring Break would be… but the Island is beautiful in winter. Awesome for solitary strolls along the beach. 🙂
Dear Rosalind,
I just purchased Super Affiliate Hand Book and clicked on your blog to see what it looked like, to my surprise to see your Mustang Island ad. my wife and I were there in July 2012 and love the Island. We were there in 2005 as campers.
Your right about the rusty bicycle chains, we also experience that. The near-by town of Rock port is very nice, there is some great RV parks right on the gulf. We especially enjoyed the seafood resturants. Originally from Michigan we are Texans and live in Kerrville 60 miles west of San Antonio off of interstate Hwy 10. If you’all come to Texas again the River Walk in San Antonio is a must visit.
I have started my training in your E-book and am greatly inspired just reading fifty pages. We are retired and looking for a way to improve our income as we still have three children living with us. there ages are 17, 19, & 21.
God Bless you, and wish you well;
Emil Brucker
Hi Emil,
Thank you for sharing!
I was in San Antonio a few years back and did the River Walk… very nice.
I’m very happy to hear that you feel inspired by my book… may 2013 be your most successful, happy and healthiest year ever!
Dear Ros,
Thank you for answering my comment;
My wife Brenda and I are doing your book togeather. We are disecting it carefully a page at a time, we’re a little slow but I think it will pay off when we get started bloging.
I especially like your staements, all you need is, Passion, ambition,emagination and a will to succeed.I can see how anyone can use their knowledge and experience in the Affilliate Marketing Business.
We fell very comfortable reading with the feeling of complete honesty and assurance that comes out in your book of how to do and what not to do.
I have owned and operated several businesses in my life and know the feeling as you did Ros, starting your business with no experience nor anyone to show you the way. When I saw your ad of your e-book to show me the way to get where I want to go, I immediatly clicked onto your sight. Ya-hew half the work and expence is done! All I need to do is read.
Thanks Ros;
Hello Emil,
Thanks very kindly for your comments and kudos. I wish you and Brenda all the success in the world with your new business venture!
Learn and Prosper,
Hello Emil,
Thanks very kindly for your comments and kudos. I wish you and Brenda all the success in the world with your new business venture!
Learn and Prosper,
Hi Ros
I finished your book a few days ago, Brenda, my wife is getting close to finishing. It’s taking us almost a month to get through it things keep getting in the way; but we are determined to get it down correctly. What do you think about Constant Contact email?
Hi Emil,
Good work! There’s a lot of information in there! I actually prefer Aweber. Been a customer of theirs for over a decade and the service has always been excellent.